Thursday, July 15, 2010


ok if ur readin this check out gabys new favorite character!!! GIR! copy wats below!


this was wen me(gaby) went to yosemite that little red bike thing was ssoooooo much fun

hey every one! i found this vid. so i decided to post it. its a loooomg time ago tho! in the car w/ my dad nd 2 brothers

Monday, May 24, 2010



ME ND MONICA HAVE BEEN SO BUSY OVER THE LAST YR! We have gone through the sixth grade doors freaked out and are moving on to the 7th grade cuz 6th grade is endin! well let me tell u watz happend so far. me nd monica are in the 6th grade cadet I band. aka the advanced band! so during our concert at DVC  i got the outstanding musicianship award! nd we also tryed out for next yrs symphonic band the pretty much top band i think! its been a heck of a yr!!!!

                  Also me nd Hernandez have been friends for  4 YEARS!!!!!! COUNT EM! 4!!!!!